August 8, 2011

Eat Local Challenge Days 1 and 2

Yesterday morning, I started the 'Eat Local Week Challenge'. Participants challenge themselves to eat only foods grown, produced, and sold within 100 miles of home. After taking inventory in the garden, I decided to visit a few local farm stands to see what else was available.

The Rules
1. All foods consumed during the week must be made from locally grown, raised or produced items.  The goal is to learn where our food comes from and to recognize the small farms and businesses  in our area.  Making foods at home from non-local ingredients does not count as “locally produced”.

2. “Marco Polo” Exceptions: include salt and spices, olive oil and sugar.


3. Three Life Lines:  pick three non-local items to use for the week.  These items could include such things as bananas, rice or a meal out at a restaurant.
Brown Rice is one of my lifelines this week
I made it two mornings without coffee but plan for coffee to be
another one of my lifelines this week.
Luckily the Hatchland Dairy is within 25 miles.
Some of the fun is visiting farm stands and getting to know who is
growing what out there. I also got some photography in.

Thanks to Lucy, we have fresh eggs right here at home.

...and there are plenty of blueberries to be had, these are from a farm on Rabbit Path Rd.

Day 1 -
breakfast: scrambled eggs with homemade salsa
snack: blueberries
lunch: sauteed eggplant, tomatoes, and garlic over brown rice
dinner: corn on the cob and salad
Day 2-
breakfast: cheddar cheese omlette
lunch: sauteed summer squash and zucchini over brown rice
snack: diced tomatoes, mozarella cheese, and basil
dinner: ground buffalo, potatoes, beets, and salad


Jill Wellington said...

These photos are SO GOOD! Love the cows. I have a cooking blog, but still have trouble photographing food. You are so creative!

Ruta said...

I wanted to take pictures of the meals I made... but the lighting in my kitchen just isn't that good. I might have to take my plate out in the natural light!